voice INTER connect GmbH has been active in the fields of speech and signal processing as well as speech communication since 2001. The company now provides numerous products for speech controlling machinery and other technical devices. Another major focus is high-end speech communication devices for the automotive and consumer electronics fields.
.. is your contact for AzAR, the pronunciation trainer, the acoustical and graphical feedback tools as well as the audio processing components of the AzAR editor.
REZO-Computer is a development and service company for all aspects of computer applications.
... focusses on trainings for users of standard software and business solutions and advanced vocational training for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of modern information technology,
... offers web design and internet shop systems.
… contributed the authoring system (AzAR-Editor) as well as the AzAR database used in the production of AzAR content.
The chair for systems theory and speech technology at the institute for communication acoustics of the Technical University in Dresden has a long scientific tradition in the fields of speech processing and pattern recognition. It reaches back to the 6th decade of the last century. Today, it's work focusses on signals and systems, acoustic pattern recognition, speech technology as well as assistive technologies.
…developed learning content and didactics for AzAR, closely cooperating with Rainer Jäckel and using most advanced scientific insights in the fields of speech and language processing as well as language acquisition.
Schenck Workshops offers training and coaching for experts and management, who are to be at ease on the international stage. Beyond teaching languages, we teach our clients in being eloquent, articulate and inspiring in other languages. Experiencing communication with all senses is more than just learning grammar or cramming vocabulary. Because learning is more than the storage of information.
…have been working with AzAR for several years in their language training courses. In addition to valuable results in the evaluation phase, this work led to improvements of the feedback tools, and new training units have been developed (Phonetiktheater).